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Why Truth Seekers?
I was asked by someone why I chose the theme of young truth seekers in Doubt, book 1 of the Among Us Trilogy. The answer is simple. I was inspired by two young truth seekers, Aaron Swartz and Harry Fear, who dedicated their lives to seek the truth and to share it with the world.
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There is a Truth Seeker in all of us.
I truly believe that there is a truth seeker in all of us whether we choose to accept that or not. Some people will reject the idea while others will open their eyes and embrace it.
I dedicate my book Doubt to all truth seekers. You don’t have to be a hero to be a truth seeker. You just need to open your eyes and listen to the facts, check your sources, and do not be afraid to share the truth.
Download your free advanced reader epub special edition of Doubt, book 1 of the Among Us Trilogy
If you want to know more about Harry Fear and Aaron Swartz, I’ve included links to articles and videos below.
Harry Fear – read article on Huffington Post.
In Aaron Swartz’s own words
Aaron Swartz – Read the latest news or watch the interview by Cory Doctorow, friend of Aaron
Download your free advanced reader epub special edition of Doubt, book 1 of the Among Us Trilogy
The special edition is free and licensed under a creative commons license. Free to download/share as long you don’t change anything, attribute to Anne-Rae Vasquez and link back to our site www.amongus.ca . So share away! Here is a link to Free epub readers.
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Why Truth Seekers?
To download the advance reader copy ebook of Doubt for free, please register to be a member.
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