Amazon Best Seller Apocalyptic list – Doubt – Among Us Trilogy

[two_thirds last=”no”][/two_thirds] Amazon Best Seller Kindle edition When Amazon switched the Kindle edition of Doubt to free yesterday, we were a bit surprised. We did not submit Doubt into the KDP Select program so we weren’t sure what to think. However, throughout the day yesterday we watched as the Free…
Press release: Among Us Trilogy BitTorrent Bundle

Fiction Thriller Doubt Releases BitTorrent Bundle AR Publishing has released Anne-Rae Vasquez’s Doubt, the first installment of the Among Us Trilogy as a BitTorrent Bundle. The Among Us Trilogy is a paranormal apocalyptic, sci/fi, young adult fiction thriller which was launched in November 2013 at the Rain Dance Book Festival.…
New edition Doubt – Among Us Trilogy
Update: Winner chosen book cover design contest for Resist, book 2 of Among Us Trilogy

Update: Winner chosen for Book cover design contest Dear Truth Seekers, fans and guests, Congratulations to Vanesa Garkova who submitted the winning design for our DesignCrowd book cover contest. Note from author: “I’m currently busy writing RESIST book 2 of the Among Us Trilogy. My book marketing team and I…
Day 5 – Doubt Blog Tour: Blogalicious Interview with Anne-Rae Vasquez

Day 5 of the Doubt – Among Us Trilogy Blog Tour Blog-A-Licious Authors interviews Anne-Rae What book genre of books do you adore? I love thrillers, cultural fiction, supernatural, apocalypse, biographies, paranormal, mysteries, and probably anything that is written well. What is hardest – getting published, writing or marketing? Ummm……